Saturday, August 16, 2008

Join in Scott Kelby's Worlwide Photo Walk on August 23

Author Scott Kelby is organizing a photo walk on August 23rd to celebrate the publication of his new book "The Lightroom 2 Book for Digital Photographers." A photo walk is a social event in which photographers meet at a location, take pictures, and view those pictures afterwards at a restaurant or cafe. Photographers will meet at locations in cities all over the world on the 23rd. After the pictures from each city are taken, they will be posted to groups on the online photosharing site Flickr. The best photos are eligible for prizes and recognition.

In Cleveland the photo walk will happen in the Little Italy neighborhood. Visit the website for a map where they will walk and contact information for the local organizer, Tony Salonia.

The National Association of Photoshop Professionals is organizing the event. Thanks to Howard Kass for bringing this information to our attention.

Cleveland: Public Parking Lot on corner of E. 119 St. and Mayfield Rd.
Other cities: visit the website.

Saturday, August 23rd, starting at 11 a.m.

Free, but participation at each location is limited to 50 people. Register here for Cleveland or any other city.

More Information:

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